
Why you should get your Septic Tank Installed by a Professional

Why you should get your Septic Tank Installed by a Professional

While most houses are connected to mains sewers, if you live in a rural area it’s likely that your house will need a septic tank. Septic tanks can service either a single household, or a number of houses that are located in close proximity, and are usually installed when there is no access to the mains drainage system. If you’ve been told that you need a septic tank installed at your property, you may be tempted to think that it’s

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How Often Should You Get Your Septic Tank Serviced

If you own a septic tank, you’ll know that the key to ensuring the long life of your system is through correct maintenance. A septic tank system has the propensity to operate effectively for 15 years, but that’s only if it’s maintained correctly. If not maintained correctly, you may need to replace the entire system long before you should ever need to. Restoring, repairing or replacing a septic tank system can be quite expensive. As well as this, a poorly

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Why Should I Empty My Septic Tank?

Home ownership is an exciting, scary, rewarding and expensive journey. The best way to insure the expenses don’t blow you out of the water is to take some precautionary steps to keep things in working order. Even if your house and property are brand new, they still need some yearly preventative maintenance to continue running properly. One thing that is often forgotten and overlooked is the septic tank. It lives quietly underground working 24 hours a day to keep your

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How Septic Tanks Function

How Septic Tanks Function

There are many innovations in the modern world that are easily taken for granted and barely given a second thought. One that many prefer not to dwell on is how sewage is dealt with in locations that are not connected to a larger network of sewage treatment plants. The use of a self-contained septic system allows human waste to be treated on site and is particularly convenient for those located in rural areas without access to more mainstream solutions. Development

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How Pump Chambers and Overflow Tanks Work

How Pump Chambers and Overflow Tanks Work

If your home does not have access to the mains sewage system, then you more than likely have to have a septic tank system in place to act as your sewage treatment system specifically for your home. A basic septic tank system is made up of the septic tank itself, the drain field and the soil. Having said this, a more sophisticated tank, which can be constructed of plastic, fibreglass or concrete, can also feature a pump chamber and an

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